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It’s hard to deny that Facebook is the number one social media platform for businesses. It’s where people come to connect with their friends, family, and other people in their lives. However, it is also a great place for you to find new customers. In fact, many businesses have grown their sales by using Facebook advertising effectively—and this includes yours! Here are some tips that will help you grow your own business through Facebook ads:

Do NOT use stock photos in your Facebook ads.

Stock photos are not specific to your business or product. You might be able to find a photo of someone using your product, but it’s unlikely that this person represents the type of customer you want to attract.

Not only that, they are not personalized to your audience. Stock photos look generic and don’t show any real emotion or personality, making them feel stale and impersonal.

Moreover, they are not memorable. If you use stock images in your ads, people will forget what they saw after they scroll past them on their newsfeed—and they probably won’t click on it either way!

Use videos on your Facebook ads.

Videos can be a great way to get your point across and sell more products. They’re more engaging than images, and viewers almost always share them. Videos are also likely to be watched all the way through by those who see them in their feed, which means that you’ll get more views for each video ad than you would with other types of ads. As an added bonus, videos can show how a product works or explain complicated processes that aren’t easily explained with text or images alone.

Make sure you can track your Facebook ad sales.

Make sure you’re tracking your Facebook ad sales.

If you’re not tracking your Facebook ad sales, it’s like driving a car but not having a speedometer or gas gauge. You’ll have no idea how fast or slow your business is going and if there are any problems with the engine until it stops completely.

The best way to do this is by using a tracking pixel on all of your website pages (not just the checkout page). This will tell you exactly where people came from after clicking on one of your Facebook ads—whether that was through organic search results or another social platform like Instagram or Twitter—so that when someone asks “why did we get more traffic last week?”, now there’s an answer!

Facebook advertising is best when it is part of a larger strategy.

If you create or manage Facebook ads, make sure you have a strong strategy in place. Facebook advertising is great for reaching new customers and building brand awareness. However, it should be part of a broader marketing strategy that also includes SEO (search engine optimization) and other tactics. For example:

In addition to your ad campaigns on Facebook, you could also buy Google ads and display ads from other networks like Yahoo Gemini Ads or LinkedIn Ads.

Choose your call-to-action and landing page wisely.

The most important thing you can do to ensure a high-conversion rate on your ads is make sure that the ad itself and the landing page are well matched. If they’re not, then you have a higher risk of losing leads.

To start, choose your call-to-action carefully. What exactly do you want people to do once they arrive at your landing page? Do they simply need to fill out a form or download something? Or do they need to take an action such as making another purchase (e.g., buy one item and get something else for free)? The more specific and clear your CTAs are, the better chance you have at increasing conversions on Facebook ads.

And then there’s the landing page itself—make sure it’s relevant! Make sure it contains all necessary information about what was offered in the ad itself so there aren’t any unnecessary clicks back into Facebook before someone has had enough time viewing what interests them most about this offer specifically (e.g., if someone sees an ad saying “Buy x product today,” make sure their landing page includes everything from that ad including pricing).

Make sure that you are targeting the right audience for your business.

From the moment you create your ad, Facebook allows you to target an audience. You can do this by using the following features:

  • Facebook’s targeting tools to identify your target audience
  • Advanced Audience Targeting Features (Automated & Manual)
  • Custom Audience Targeting Features
  • Lookalike Audience Targeting Features

Split test your Facebook ads before spending a lot of money on them.

It’s important to split-test your Facebook ads before spending a lot of money on them. This can be done by creating two different ads and putting each up for a short period of time, and then comparing the results. You want to look for things like CTR (click-through rate) and conversion rates, as well as what times of day or which days work best.

When you do this, keep in mind that other factors may be involved in whether or not an ad works besides what you’re testing. For example, suppose one ad is getting more clicks than another but leads nowhere else (meaning it doesn’t result in any sales). In that case, it could be because people were just curious about what was being offered rather than actually interested in buying anything!